Consultation on HSWA guidance

Maritime NZ is developing guidance designed to support PCBUs and workers at the major ports and in the maritime sector to meet their HSWA obligations

Maritime NZ administers the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) and associated regulations:

  • on board ships
  • where ships are places of work
  • on New Zealand’s 13 major ports.

We are expanding the range of HSWA guidance we provide to our sector. This guidance is designed to support PCBUs and workers to meet their HSWA obligations. It describes the health and safety practices we want to see in the maritime sector and on major ports and outlines what workers need to know about their rights and responsibilities regarding health and safety. 

Some of these documents will be revised versions of existing guidance documents Maritime NZ had already published. These will replace the old versions. Others are new documents that outline the position we hold and describe practices we expect to see. This will happen over the next 6 to 12 months. 

Current guidance 

Guidance topic Consultation timeframe 
Adverse, coercive or misleading conduct 2-16 September 2024

Upcoming guidance 

Further HSWA guidance documents are in the process of being developed. These will be released for consultation as they are ready: 

Guidance topic Anticipated consultation timeframe 
1. Officers’ duties under HSWA  Late 2024 
2. Upstream duties Late 2024
2. Overlapping duties  Late 2024

Consultation closed

We have finished consultation on the following topic:

Guidance topic  Consultation closed Proposed date of publication 
  1. Worker engagement, participation, and representation (WEPR)  
  • guidance for PCBUs 
  • guidance for workers 

10 June 2024 1 July 2024 

Further information on the change in HSWA responsibility on the major NZ ports 

If you’d like to know more about Maritime NZ becoming the responsible health and safety regulator on New Zealand’s 13 major ports, there is information available on the Maritime NZ Safer Ports Programme website.