Lake Kaniere skiing and swimming areas

Maritime NZ is responsible for safety management at Lake Kaniere as there is no regional council navigation safety bylaw in place there.

There are five reserved recreational areas at Lake Kaniere shown on the map below. Three (yellow) are reserved for water skiing and similar towed water sports. Two (green) are reserved for swimming, paddled and rowed craft, and similar activities.

Lake Kaniere Snapshot

Details about the reserved areas, speed limits and other information:

  • Maritime NZ’s Lake Kaniere fact sheet (see below)
  • Official Maritime Rules notification in New Zealand Gazette
  • When at the lake, please read the signs posted there and follow those instructions
  • Download the MarineMate app onto your phone – it gives you access to local boating rules, boat ramp locations, tide times and VHF channels for the whole country.
Lake Kaniere fact sheet [PDF: 1.7Mb, 2 pages]


Excerpt from Maritime NZ’s Lake Kaniere fact sheet

  • When towing within the three water ski zones, you can travel at any safe speed when at least 100 metres from shore in the northern zone, and right up to the shore in the other two zones. Beach starts are not permitted outside of the eastern and western water ski zones. Always check for submerged and visible hazards before operating close to shore at speed. Keep a safe following distance of at least 50 metres from any boat or skier ahead. When others are skiing nearby, it is recommended that you all make your circuits anticlockwise (curve to the left).
  • Normal navigation rules apply within a reserved area unless one or more people are using it for the intended purpose. Once that happens, other types of water users must vacate the zone and not obstruct legitimate zone users. In the Sunny Bight swim zone for example, if anyone is bathing, swimming or using a passive craft like a board, floatie or kayak, power boats should move out of the zone and may not use their motors. In the Hans Bay zone, powered vessels may transit to and from the ramp and jetty at low (minimal wake) speed, giving all swimmers and other passive users a wide berth.


Reporting accidents and unsafe behaviour

  • To report an accident please submit an Accident or incident report form or call the Rescue Coordination Centre NZ, 0508 472 269.
  • To report unsafe behaviour or any damage to buoys and signs please call Maritime NZ, 0508 22 55 22.

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