Consultation and development

We engage with the community and general public on a range of maritime matters through consultations and engagement.

Current consultations and development

Consultation on HSWA guidance

Maritime NZ is developing guidance designed to support PCBUs and  workers at the major ports and in the maritime sector to meet their HSWA obligations.

Closed consultations

Design, Construction and Equipment Rules Reform: Package 1 (40-Series reform)

The ‘40 series’ of rules are being reviewed, with the focus on the domestic design, construction and equipment rules

Regulatory Amendments Package 2024: Non-Commercial Use of Commercial Vessels and SeaCert

Maritime NZ is seeking your input on changes to Maritime Rules relating to the non-commercial use of commercial vessels for recreation (non-commercial use) and the Seafarer Certification (SeaCert) framework.

Consultation on guidance for Marine Protection Rule Part 170

Maritime NZ recently consulted on our draft guide to support vessel owners, owners and operators to comply with their obligations under  Part 170: Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships

Consultation on International Omnibus 2024

The Ministry of Transport (Te Manatū Waka) and Maritime NZ (Nō te rere moana Aotearoa) are seeking your views on proposed changes to Maritime Rules and Marine Protection Rules.

Additions to Survey Performance Requirements relating to vessel fuel systems

Maritime NZ is consulting on additions to Survey Performance Requirements (SPRs) and Safe Operational Plan (SOP) inspection checklists relating to vessel fuel systems

Consultation on update to aids to navigation guidance documents

Maritime NZ recently consulted on our draft guidance to make the application process for New Zealand aids to navigation (AtoNs) clearer and more accessible.

Consultation on Worker, engagement, participation and representation

Maritime NZ is recently consulted on our draft guidance related to worker engagement, participation and representation (WEPR) under HSWA. 

Maritime and Marine Protection Rules (Domestic Omnibus 2023)

The Ministry of Transport (Te Manatu Waka) and Maritime NZ (No te rere moana Aotearoa) sought input on proposed changes to the Maritime Rules and Marine Protection Rules

Maritime Levies and Oil Pollution Levies consultation

Maritime NZ consulted on proposed changes to the Maritime Levies and Oil Pollution Levies.

Follow up consultation on Maritime Rules to implement the Cape Town Agreement

Maritime NZ asked for feedback on the use of transport instruments to finalise proposed Part 404 Rules.

Guidance on Watchkeeping for Fishers

Maritime NZ is developing guidance on watchkeeping for fishers to help them stay safe and meet their obligations under the law.

Amendments to Marine Protection Rules Part 199: Air pollution from Ships

Maritime NZ asked for feedback on proposed changes to the Part 199 Rules to make the nitrogen oxides (NOx) requirements more workable for operators of New Zealand ships that only voyage within New Zealand’s jurisdiction (domestic voyaging ships).

Amendments to Maritime Rules to improve safety and consistency with the international maritime framework

Maritime NZ proposed to amend the Maritime Rules 53 and 23 to improve safety and to be more consistent with the international maritime framework.

New Zealand Marine Oil Spill Response Strategy

In accordance with section 283 of the Maritime Transport Act, the New Zealand Marine Oil Spill Response Strategy is undergoing its five-yearly review.

MARPOL Annex VI - Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships

Public consultation for the proposed Marine Protection Rule Part 199: Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (the proposed rules).

Amendments to maritime rules to implement the Cape Town Agreement

Maritime NZ invited comment on the proposed maritime rules Part 404 and consequential rule amendments to implement a global treaty on fishing vessel safety.

Amendments to Maritime Rules and Marine Protection Rules: International Conventions

Maritime NZ invited comment on proposed amendments to Maritime Rules and Marine Protection Rules.

Maritime NZ consultation on Maritime Levy and fees

Consultation on proposed changes to the Maritime Levy and fees regime closed on 18 January 2019. This was referred to as the Funding Review.


How to have your say

The details of how to make a submission and other opportunities to engage (eg by coming to a public meeting) are included in our consultation documents.

For each consultation we include:

  • the submission deadline
  • where to send your feedback
  • who to address your feedback to
  • who to contact for help
  • our process for considering submissions and the timing of this.

In general, any individual, group or organisation can provide feedback on our public consultations. Your submissions must be in writing and sent to us by email, post, courier or fax.

We need to receive your feedback before the deadline, for it to be included. After we get your submission, we will let you know within three business days that we have received it.

You need to include whether your submission comes from you as an individual, or if you are representing a company or other organisation. Remember to name the company or organisation you represent and include your contact details.

Your opinion is important to us, so please make sure that your views are clearly explained, you are as brief as possible and that your writing is easy to read – if hand written.


How we use your feedback

How we use your feedback depends on what we are consulting on. Refer to the consultation documents for these details.


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