Proposed reforms to 40-Series rules governing domestic commercial vessel design, construction and equipment
The changes to the DCE rules are being consulted on as three packages, each including four to seven proposed new Rule Parts and the associated maritime transport instruments (MTIs). The proposed new rules and MTIs will come into force at the same time after they have been consulted on and approved.
In total, 15 existing Rule Parts will be reformed through this programme. This consultation (Package 1) covers four rule topics: Life-saving Appliances, Fire Protection, Machinery and Ancillary Equipment, and Anchors and Cables.
Maritime NZ is consulting on the draft rules on behalf of the Associate Minister of Transport who has the authority to make maritime rules. Maritime NZ is consulting on the draft MTIs on behalf of the Director of Maritime NZ, who has the power to make these MTIs where they have been enabled in the rules.
It is intended that the proposed new rules and MTIs will be finalised in late 2025 or early 2026, and come into force in 2026. Note that these dates are subject to analysis of submissions received during this consultation, and Ministerial agreement to any changes subsequently made in response.
Closing Date
This consultation closes: 5 pm, 18 October 2024
Consultation documents
The Invitation to Comment briefly explains the reform of the DCE rules and provides an overview of the rules and MTIs included in Package 1, and information on how to provide feedback. This document also contains a snapshot of the key changes, intended to help readers understand how they may be impacted. This document should be read in combination with the proposal summaries and draft rules and MTI for each topic.
The What does this mean for me… document has examples of proposed changes for 14 representative vessels that are considered to reflect the majority of the New Zealand domestic commercial fleet. You can use the examples as a guide as to how the changes might affect your vessel. Only proposed changes to rules are shown. Most current rules will ‘carry over’ into the proposed new rules. This document is intended to illustrate the proposed rule changes and serve as a reference only. Please use the Rule / MTI references listed in the document to look up the draft Rule Parts and MTIs for a comprehensive set of requirements and how they will apply to a particular vessel.
The Compare your vessel against proposed requirements document provides a blank template for you to work out how the proposed requirements will affect your specific vessel.
The proposal summaries explain the proposed rule changes in more detail. They explain Maritime NZ’s understanding of the issues and ‘status quo’ under the current rules, and set out the analysis and rationale behind the proposed changes. Any potential impacts from the proposed changes are also identified. This information is intended to meet the Government’s Regulatory Impact Analysis requirements.
The proposed rules and MTIs detail the exact requirements proposed. The purpose of the MTIs is to prescribe technical detail for how to comply with a rule. As a quick reference, the draft Rules have a blue header and the draft MTIs have a green header.
Invitation to Comment: Design, Construction and Equipment Rules Reform (Consultation Overview: Package 1) [PDF: 775kB, 33 pages] What does this mean for me? [PDF: 1.62MB, 46 pages] Submission form [Word: 177kB, 25 pages] Compare your vessel against proposed requirements (blank template) [Word: 111 kB, 2 pages]Four Rule Parts are being consulted on:
1) Fire Protection
Fire Protection Proposal Summary [PDF: 698kB, 51 pages] Part 3D: Fire Protection Rules draft for public consultation [PDF: 345kB, 19 pages] Part 3D: Fire Protection MTI draft for public consultation [PDF: 468kB, 31 pages]2) Machinery and Ancillary Equipment
Machinery and Ancillary Equipment Proposal Summary [PDF: 494kB, 36 pages] Part 3E: Machinery and Ancillary Equipment Rules draft for public consultation [PDF: 386kB, 24 pages] Part 3E: Machinery and Ancillary Equipment MTI draft for public consultation [PDF: 375kB, 8 pages]3) Life-saving Appliances
Life-saving Appliances Proposal Summary [PDF: 665kB, 36 pages] Part 3H: Life-saving Appliances Rules draft for public consultation [PDF: 329kB, 16 pages] Part 3H: Life-saving Appliances MTI draft for public consultation [PDF: 375kB, 26 pages]4) Anchors and Cables
Anchors and Cables Proposal Summary [386kB, 20 pages] Part 3J: Anchors and Cables Rules draft for public consultation [PDF: 219kB, 11 pages] Part 3J: Anchors and Cables MTI draft for public consultation [PDF: 480kB, 22 pages]Other supporting material
Interim Regulatory Impact Assessment - DCE reform – 2024 [PDF: 288kB, 20 pages]How to make a submission
This consultation closes: 5 pm, 18 October 2024
You can make a submission by completing the questions on the ITC submission form and emailing or posting to Maritime NZ. Alternatively you may want to answer the questions directly in an email. If you would like to make a submission using a different method please contact us at the email address below to discuss.
Posting a letter to:
40 Series Consultation Review Team
Regulatory Reform
Maritime NZ
PO Box 25620
Wellington 6140