The Port Health and Safety Leadership Group
Learn about the Port Health and Safety Leadership Group.
About us
We are a tripartite group, made up of port and stevedoring companies, unions, the Port Industry Association, Maritime NZ and WorkSafe NZ representatives, all working in partnership to drive a step change in health and safety in New Zealand ports.
Safety, for us, is embodied by the whakataukī:
He waka eke noa - a canoe which we are all in with no exception
Together, our vision is to create:
A high performing, resilient port sector where people thrive and worker health and safety is prioritised through high-trust, tripartite collaboration.
Who we are
The membership of the group includes:
- Maritime NZ (Kirstie Hewlett, The Chief Executive of Maritime NZ and Chair of the Leadership Group)
- the Port Industry Association (Pat Kirk, Chair of the Port Industry Association)
- Ports (Roger Gray, Chief Executive Port of Auckland and Jon Moore, Chief Executive Northport)
- Stevedoring companies (Paul Cameron, Chief Executive Qube Ports NZ and Gavin Hudson, Chief Executive C3).
- the Maritime Union of New Zealand (Carl Findlay, National Secretary)
- the Rail and Maritime Transport Union of New Zealand (Aubrey Wilkinson, National President).
Stay in the loop
View all of our monthly newsletters online
Latest issue:
December 2024 - ACOP is in effect
Port group updates
In the media
Read our latest media releases:
- Another step forward for work health and safety on ports
- Port sector plan for improving safety on our Ports
- A step forward for port safety by employers, unions and government agencies